New on-demand content service for deepsea vessels launched
BazePort Seea is a new on-demand service for movies, news and information, built for the typical deep-sea merchant vessels.
While crew welfare in the form of modern IPTV entertainment is now part of the expected in some maritime segments, this is not the case in a typical tanker, bulk and container vessels. The slow adoption may have been caused by IPTV installations being considered too complicated and costly for the purpose.
Now, BazePort is launching a new service that has been bespoke built to the requirements of deep-seea vessels demand. It is established under the name BazePort Seea. Yes, the spelling is correct. That is Seea with two e-s.
Inform and entertain
In the development of BazePort Seea, both the possibility for information and entertainment has been in focus. Vessel owners and operators want a more modern and quicker way to communicate than the printed email on message boards. BazePort Seea allows for cloud publishing of text, pictures and videos. This way crew is updated on safety, training and general information.
Video-on-demand entertainment on BazePort Seea is like the Netflix experience. But offline and not dependent on using the vessel bandwidth. All major Hollywood studios are represented, as well as some independent ones. BazePort seea includes thousands of hours of content to watch. Also, Baze works with renowned news providers like BBC, CNN, Euronews and TV Patrol. BazePort seea also allows for RSS news and Podcast.
A tool for the crew to socialise
Seamen working at sea for months at the time are experiencing challenging times. Covid19 is adding to the burden. For shipowners and managers, it is a challenge to create the best possible working and leisure time environment onboard their vessels. An entertainment system with an at-home user experience is a boost for the crew. The included set-top box allows the crew to socialise while watching a movie or the news together on the onboard TV set.
Built by an experienced IPTV supplier
With its great success in on-demand content delivery, BazePort will launch a bespoke service for the deep-sea fleet. More than 8500 subscribers take the service already. These are users in Offshore, OSV and the Ferry segment operating worldwide, trusting BazePort for their on-demand content delivery of entertainment, information and news services. BazePort IPTV is the platform used to enable on-demand content.
The company behind the BazePort IPTV system, Baze Technology, has extensive experience in supplying its IPTV system to the maritime and offshore community. They added movies and news on-demand content as part of their delivery portfolio already in 2012. BazePort IPTV is approved as content provider by all the major studios and a range of news and live TV providers.
Read more about BazePort Seea here: https://www.bazeport.com/seea/
For more information, contact:
On this pressrelease: Marketing manager Henriette Adine Tørjesen, email: henriette.adine.torjesen@bazeport.com
On BazePort Seea product: product owner Thorstein Rinker, email: tr@baze.no
Pressrelease, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, logo. High-res pics available on request to the ORN office